Independence Now! Student Workbook

When King George III proclaimed, “Blows must decide,” it brought forth a new era in history. Those three little words formally initiated the Revolutionary War Period in colonial America.

The Student Workbook for Independence Now! takes learners to the first armed conflicts of the American Revolution, which followed the Coercive Acts issued by Parliament after the Boston Tea Party. Your time-travelling students are transported to Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, and Dorchester Heights through interactive activities that introduce them to the people, the actions, and the events of 1774, ’75, and ’76.

American Heritage Publications Independence Now Student Workbook Cover

Eight lessons are included in the Student Workbook that incorporate audio, visual, and narrative forms of storytelling. Learners will connect Thomas Paine’s Common Sense with current events that call for “common sense” on controversial issues today. And they will learn that it was not an easy decision to call for Independence Now!

Students will learn about Enlightenment theories of government that can be traced to ancient Greece – to Plato and Aristotle. They will encounter the philosophers that enlarged upon those concepts through the ages, and see how Enlightenment philosophies of good government were incorporated into the Declaration of Independence – the first of our Documents of Freedom trilogy. They will learn about the rights of the people included in the Declaration of Independence, and how they reflect upon events that are happening in our world today.

The Student Workbook allows students to complete the course anytime, anywhere. It’s ideal for classroom, blended and distance learning environments. The Teacher’s Guide contains links to Google docs that can be used in Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, or other Learning Management Systems. Students respond to questions and complete projects that can be annotated, edited, and sent to students electronically. Teacher’s comments are delivered digitally saving time and enhancing the overall learning experience. An auto graded Summative Assessment evaluates student knowledge of this important time in the history of America!

Your purchase includes the Independence Now! Student Workbook, Teacher’s Guide, and the audio drama, which can be used for many years as new students embark upon the study of the American Revolution!

Buy Now: $14.95

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