Student Workbook – The Gathering Storm in America

American Heritage Publications The Gathering Storm Student Workbook coverThe Student Workbook for The Gathering Storm in America, in PDF format, can be copied and sent to each of your students. Excellent for classroom, blended, and distance learning environments. Lessons include engaging, informative narration, storytelling, questions, and activities. It includes a link for listening to The Gathering Storm in America, an award-winning audio drama that will take your time-traveling students into the lives and events of Pre-Revolutionary America.

The script for The Gathering Storm in America can be read as literature and used in the classroom to perform reader’s theatre. Students create a Timeline of Events.

Links to websites contain primary documents for research and analysis.
Links to videos include the events that led to billowing storm clouds over the colonies in the years following the French and Indian War.

Students will see that some of these issues can be compared to events that are happening in America today!

In the words of Reverend Jonathan Russell in his lessons on the storms of history presented to a young James Otis and his sister, Mercy, he declares, “For the winds twirlith about and returnith again, and it will be a true blessing to remember.”

Download the Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook
Each includes the audio for The Gathering Storm in America

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