The first in a series of award-winning programs to be offered on the building of America
Performed by a professional cast of seasoned actors, and carefully written and researched by a historian and playwright, this fascinating series of personal manifestos marches the listener through events and decisions that amassed as collective forces that gathered over the Colonies like storm clouds heavy with menace, sparking heated debate and deluging the citizenry with such intolerable burdens that this portentous period could only be described as The Gathering Storm in America!
Co-starring: Abbott Alexander, James Horan, Christopher Lowell,
Holger Moncada, Donal O’Sullivan, Tim Byron Owen,
Eleanora Owen and Mara Purl

Teacher’s Guide and Student Workbook Bundle
Each includes the audio for The Gathering Storm in America
The Gathering Storm in America brings history to life with an award-winning (64 minute) audio drama featuring the events that led to American Independence. It tells the remarkable story of an all-but-forgotten forefather whose actions initiated the tumultuous Pre-Revolutionary Period in America. Derived from primary sources, it presents both the British and American points of view on issues that led to the Declaration of Independence and the building of a new nation on democratic principles.
A Teacher’s Guide includes a scope and sequencing of materials that include audio, video, and narrative forms of storytelling. Project based activities engage students through learning dispositions that involve listening, reading, writing, thinking, inventing, and performing reader’s theater.
Formative and Summative assessments are included with links that can be used for Google Classroom, Schoology, and Canvas. The Summative Assessment is auto-graded.
The Student Workbook is the companion to the Teacher’s Guide. It will guide your students seamlessly through the curriculum with links that will take them to each of the lessons. It includes the award-winning audio book and the play with links to video presentations, primary documents, questions, and activities. Students will see that what was happening in Pre Revolutionary America can be compared, in many ways, to what is happening in America today.
Digital Requirements: Ability to access the Internet with broad-band connectivity, a computer or tablet. The audio book is included in the Teacher’s Guide and the Student Workbook as a downloadable audio file. The Student Workbook includes all of the features that will allow students to work independently through this Standards-based course.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions. We would love to hear from you and to learn how your students are doing!